Full Name (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Mdm*):
Relationship with child:
Email Address:
Contact (Home / HP):
Registering Child’s Particulars: Child 01
Full name:
Date of birth:
Medical history (e.g. Asthma, Allergy):
Dietary Restrictions:
Languages spoken at home:
Registering Child’s Particulars: Child 02
Full name:
Date of birth:
Medical history (e.g. Asthma, Allergy):
Dietary Restrictions:
Languages spoken at home:
Registering Child’s Particulars: Child 03
Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Medical History (e.g. Asthma, Allergy):
Dietary Restrictions:
Languages spoken at home:
How did you get to know us?
Do you agree to receive the latest news and promotions from Cognitive Whizz? This includes updates on Holiday Programs, useful learning resources, and special promotions, etc.
Yes, I would like my child to participate in “A Science Escapade!” during
(A) Full-day (Mon-Thur: 9am – 5pm, Fri: 9am-12pm)
12-13 Yr (and 10-11 Yr keen on Primary Science Olympiad)
7-11 Yr
4-7 Yr
(B) Exclude Farm & BOUNCE (Mon-Tue: 9am – 5pm, Wed-Thur: 9am – 1230pm, Fri: 9am – 12pm)
12-13 Yr Olds
(and 10-11 Yr Olds keen on Primary Science Olympiads)
7-11 Yr Olds
4-7 Yr Olds
I certify that the above details are, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I have read, understood, and agreed to the Terms & Conditions, and indemnity clauses stated in this form. *
Mode of payment
• Pls attn cheque to: Cognitive Whizz Pte. Ltd.
• For funds transfers, pls remit to: DBS current account 003-942274-1
• For PayNow, pls indicate Unique Entity Number (UEN) as 201603017D
• Kindly send a screenshot of payment confirmation below
• For enquiries, please call 90097086 or email info@cognitivewhizz.com
Please select type of payment* :
(A) Full-day (Mon-Thur: 9am – 5pm, Fri: 9am-12pm)
(B) Exclude Farm & BOUNCE (Mon-Tue: 9am – 5pm, Wed-Thur: 9am – 1230pm, Fri: 9am – 12pm)
Please indicate names of participants in the group sign-up
Please indicate promo code (if any)
Submit proof of payment* :